COMMERCIAL (editorial) Velocity Credit Union Orbera Weight Loss System Snap Kitchen APHSA 50th Anniversary Celebration Bernie Sanders For President 2016 South By Southwest (SXSW) Conference Shipping Wars Season 7 Adult Swim Bump Team (Internship) MUSIC VIDEO (cinematography) “White Collar” Fastball “Mountain Man” Cowboy Diplomacy “Brain Invaderz” Mamahawk “Girl” Satalights “Run Ya” Wonderbitch “Cracks” Chakra Kahn “Dreams” Spirit Stuff “Workers Anthem” Fight For 15 ENTERTAINMENT (producing) The Crow and The Pitcher Television & The Public Interest Revisited Signal Art Show: 002 Signal Art Show: 001 It’s Okay to be Happy Dirty Furry The Mechanicals Sports Car Caravan ART (2D graphic) Pas De Deux Ouroboros E N D L E S S S U M M E R Flow State Series 4 Series 3 Series 2 Series 1