Digital Sketchbook:

The ins and outs of finding style. Some of these projects turned out quite lovely. Some of them, not so much. Every last one of them chronicles a journey, though….and sometimes you never know when looking over an old process leads to a new insight.

This creative process journal is an open sketchbook of every indulgence pursued, every half-baked idea sorta put together, and every little happy accident in one place. Take a journey from now back to the very beginning of each of these posts.



Sketchbook charles r pearce Sketchbook charles r pearce

Negative Spaces 1992: Issues 1-6

ATX - March 2021. Negative Spaces 1992. Kinda fun to play around with really weird naming for things. Six cover issues of an imaginary nothing. It’s not even 1992 related content. Eleven time zones, that’s ridiculous. How can we escape from all this noise?

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Sketchbook charles r pearce Sketchbook charles r pearce

Flat Balls

ATX - March 2021. Working on value and composition. Spheres were created by carefully stacking layer after layer in Photoshop with blend modes.

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Sketchbook, 3D charles r pearce Sketchbook, 3D charles r pearce

Flimsy Saucer

ATX - December 2020. Using all the materials and all the lights at once. If I keep throwing all these dumb little gimmicks together maybe it will look okay? Maybe? Maybe?

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Sketchbook, Animation charles r pearce Sketchbook, Animation charles r pearce

Rising Girl

ATX - April 2019. I’ve been doing a lot of motion design lately, went to go practice some stylized stuff just for fun. A basic composition created with stock images. Mostly a still scene, mostly.

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