Digital Sketchbook:
The ins and outs of finding style. Some of these projects turned out quite lovely. Some of them, not so much. Every last one of them chronicles a journey, though….and sometimes you never know when looking over an old process leads to a new insight.
This creative process journal is an open sketchbook of every indulgence pursued, every half-baked idea sorta put together, and every little happy accident in one place. Take a journey from now back to the very beginning of each of these posts.
Weird Pipes
BTOWN - November 2007. Came across some old pipes at an old gas depot. Everything was abandoned, but these pipes still had some nice worn color on them.
The Untitled Stills
BTOWN - February 2007. I pulled some images from my latest class assignment and tried to add some cinematic tension to the shots. Mixed results, I messed with Content Aware Scale too much.
Photography Journal (February, 2007)
BTOWN - February 2007. Photog Journal Entry. 3 images.