The Glitch Switch

ATX - October 2014. I’m still relatively new to the process behind glitching and deliberate destruction of image files, even if conceptually I’ve understood the artistic notion since the rise of computers.

It’s fascinating to me, the juxtaposition of data and it’s limitations pressed against the infinity of how many ways the pixels can be broken and changed. It creates a wonderfully organic creative approach to digital work. Sure, the debate on whether or not Digital is a replacement for Analogue seems long done and settled, but we still know and remember the days of analogue and how natural processes generated rich texture and vibrancy via their inherently organic processes.

So it’s something I play with when and where I have the time. Lately I’ve been doing an increasing amount of digital distortion to my own photography, and have been exploring some interesting new tactics with sonification and image compositing inside of After Effects rather than Photoshop…but this is still new territory for me with more learning than expertise. However, I look forward to leveling up into video with mattes, composites, and clever layering.

POSITION/CREDIT:  Personal Project / Hobbyist

SOFTWARE: Audacity; Adobe Photoshop CS6; Apple Preview; Adobe After Effects CS6; OmniSuite for After Effects; HexFiend


Audi Quattro At Hotel Van Zant


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